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Healing Workshop — Eye Movement (Boulder)

Introduction to Eye Movement

We might assume our emotions, personality, or thoughts are ours... but are they? If we have total volition, why is it so challenging to escape depression? Why can’t we just flip a switch and become humorous, optimistic, or at peace?

Often, it’s not that we don’t want to let go; it’s that our brain is stuck in a state, caught in an emotional loop. In this workshop (a preview of a 2-day intensive course), we will introduce the self-analysis and healing technique "Eye Movement" (derived from EMDR) to reduce the intensity of the emotions and help break free from these loops.

Hands-On Exercise

Can you recall the feelings or emotions that bother you the most? Perhaps it’s a fear of heights, a terrible memory, anxiety about certain situations, nervousness when talking to people, or the difficulty to move on from a lost loved one, etc. No feeling too small or too large, good or bad. Let’s write feelings down and release them.

Small group discussion: utilize collective wisdom and delve deeper to find the root causes

Workshop Details

August 11

Healing Workshop — Eye Movement (Denver)