Harpeony – Healing to Awakening

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Case Study: Work Stress and family relationship

This is a student underwent eye movement twice with help of us, each session lasting about an hour and a half. Not only reduce the work related stress and anxiety, but also changed her relationship with her child and husband drastically since no long took her frustrations out on family members, thinking they were the cause of her anger.

“A few weeks later, she told us “Since then, I no longer feel those anxious emotions. In short, I can say that many of the symptoms described by others were once my own. I used to be a perfectionist, driven by my Virgo tendencies to obsess over details. No one else imposed this pressure on me—I did it to myself, aiming for 100% or even 120%. Physically, I could meet these demands, but psychologically, I was constantly telling myself that I had to push harder to be worthy of my salary.”

“The turning point came when I switched to a new job in an unfamiliar field. In my previous role, I could pressure myself to achieve my goals, but in this new environment, that approach didn't work. My anxiety skyrocketed because no matter how much pressure I put on myself, I couldn’t make real progress. I kept asking, "Why can't I do this?" and it made me extremely anxious.”

After the two sessions of eye movement, she noticed significant changes. “Initially, I often had internal dialogues, constantly talking to myself in my mind. After the second session, I began to observe this habit more closely. At first, I still found myself talking to myself, but after about a week, I realized that I had stopped. Recently, I've noticed that I'm no longer constantly monitoring my thoughts or holding back what I want to say. Now, I feel brave enough to express my true feelings. In situations where I might have lacked confidence before, I can now assert myself, even in public or when making requests. I used to be too sensitive and embarrassed to make demands or say no to others, often accommodating people even at my own expense. But now, I feel confident in standing my ground. If someone doesn’t accept my request, I no longer feel uncomfortable, which is a significant change for me.”

“While my work still has its challenges and can be exhausting, it’s not like before, when I dreaded starting each new day. Now, when I face complex tasks, I remind myself that it's okay to handle them and that I will return to my normal life afterward. This allows me to view things more objectively, separating my emotions from the tasks at hand.”

“I'm just incredibly thankful for how much things have improved. I suddenly don't feel the immense anxiety as used to, and it’s been a long time since I've felt angry with my kids. This has transformed how I interact with my family. In the past, I often took my frustrations out on my children, thinking they were the cause of my anger. But now I realize it wasn’t them—when I was overwhelmed by my own emotions, I would lash out, especially at those who were most vulnerable. But now, that’s changed significantly.”

She smile and at us and say, "do you think I sound different from the last time we spoke? I feel so much more alive now, haha."