Awakening, Chan/Zen Jerry Wu Awakening, Chan/Zen Jerry Wu

Pure Consciousness and Self-Nature: All Things Inherit the Same Nature

"Thousands of rivers reflect thousands of moons; miles of cloudless sky, miles of pristine clarity." and “Thousands of rivers all reflect the same moon.”

Self-nature or pure consciousness is like a projector casting all the shapes and forms and bringing forth everything. 

“self-nature” in Chan, the “Buddha-nature" in Buddhism, “Brahman” in Hinduism, and the “Dao” or Wuji (ultimate reality) in Taoism—all indicate the same pure essence.

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Awakening, Chan/Zen Jerry Wu Awakening, Chan/Zen Jerry Wu

The Grand Illusion of Reality

Physicists hypothesize as "quantum foam"—formless yet present. “Even if you took an empty container devoid of all matter and cooled it to absolute zero, there is still “something” in the container. That something is called quantum foam, and it represents particles blinking into and out of existence.” 

In other words, this physical world comes from “nothing” or “emptiness,” which resonates with the very idea mentioned in the I Ching, Buddhism, or Tao a thousand years ago. 

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