Meditation Jerry Wu Meditation Jerry Wu

What is a Spiritual Experience? Oneness, emptiness, no-self?

When my body metaphorically burned away and turned to emptiness. I lost the sense of boundaries of the body. My consciousness expanded, blending with the surroundings.

“I” filled the room and the entire universe. I was boundless consciousness. I was everything, infinitely large and small, presence and absence. I have no form. Not a physical body but a pure existence and awareness.

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Meditation, Healing Jerry Wu Meditation, Healing Jerry Wu

Benefits of Meditation: Tranquility, Awareness, and Diving in the Sea of Unconsciousness

As your senses become more sensitive, your awareness starts to expand, allowing you to notice things that you haven’t noticed before.

Meditation alters the brain's mechanics by escaping its loopy circuitry. It changes your perception by loosening old thinking patterns. Thus, you can perceive things in their true nature without coloring.

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Meditation Jerry Wu Meditation Jerry Wu

Mindfulness Meditation: The Limitations

The benefits of mindfulness are vast, yet if we don’t resolve the root causes of the troubling thoughts and emotions, then it's like a boat with a leaky bottom: mindfulness is patching the holes and scooping out the water to keep the boat afloat and maintain a "peaceful" mind. Once out of the meditative state, the water starts to leak in again, turning mindfulness into an unavoidable chore.

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