Book Summary, Awakening Jerry Wu Book Summary, Awakening Jerry Wu

Book Summary: My Stroke of Insight by Jill Taylor

“Without the traditional sense of my physical boundaries, I felt that I was at one with the vastness of the universe.”

“In the absence of the normal functioning of my left orientation association area, my perception of my physical boundaries was no longer limited to where my skin met air. I felt like a genie liberated from its bottle. The energy of my spirit seemed to flow like a great whale gliding through a sea of silent euphoria.”

“I have come to understand how it is that we are capable of having a “mystical” or “metaphysical” experience-relative to our brain anatomy.”

“I’m no authority, but I think the Buddhists would say I entered the mode of existence they call Nirvana.”

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Meditation Jerry Wu Meditation Jerry Wu

What is a Spiritual Experience? Oneness, emptiness, no-self?

When my body metaphorically burned away and turned to emptiness. I lost the sense of boundaries of the body. My consciousness expanded, blending with the surroundings.

“I” filled the room and the entire universe. I was boundless consciousness. I was everything, infinitely large and small, presence and absence. I have no form. Not a physical body but a pure existence and awareness.

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