Awakening, Book Summary Jerry Wu Awakening, Book Summary Jerry Wu

Book Summary: The Natural State, in the words of U.G. Krishnamurti (Part 3/3)

Desire, Sex, and Attachments. Awakening is about non-attachment, but not detachment from all desires. The goal isn’t to eliminate desire entirely—life would be dull and lifeless.

Holy business, “You want to be a good man, a nice man, an innocent man, and all that stuff. You want to be something different, but always in the future. That is what all the teachers promise you, and they just promise, a next life or an afterlife.”

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Meditation Jerry Wu Meditation Jerry Wu

What is a Spiritual Experience? Oneness, emptiness, no-self?

When my body metaphorically burned away and turned to emptiness. I lost the sense of boundaries of the body. My consciousness expanded, blending with the surroundings.

“I” filled the room and the entire universe. I was boundless consciousness. I was everything, infinitely large and small, presence and absence. I have no form. Not a physical body but a pure existence and awareness.

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Self Analysis, Healing, Awakening Jerry Wu Self Analysis, Healing, Awakening Jerry Wu

Is Ego Really the Problem?

In the realm of spirituality and healing, the term "ego" is often discussed. The concept provides a convenient framework for exploring and understanding our identity. However, the ego is often labeled as inherently negative—insane, sinful, lustful, selfish, and greedy. Consequently, the ego is treated as a demonic entity that must be crushed and demolished.

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