Self Analysis, Healing, Awakening Jerry Wu Self Analysis, Healing, Awakening Jerry Wu

Is Ego Really the Problem?

In the realm of spirituality and healing, the term "ego" is often discussed. The concept provides a convenient framework for exploring and understanding our identity. However, the ego is often labeled as inherently negative—insane, sinful, lustful, selfish, and greedy. Consequently, the ego is treated as a demonic entity that must be crushed and demolished.

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Healing, Book Summary Jerry Wu Healing, Book Summary Jerry Wu

Book Summary (1 of 2): The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk

For those who suffer from trauma, the behaviors may appear irrational but are often not due to a lack of understanding, willpower, or character flaws. Rather, “irrational” behaviors are the result of altered and distorted brain systems. Therefore, once we grasp a good understanding of how trauma affects our brain and body, we’ll be able to reverse the harm.

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Healing, Awakening Jerry Wu Healing, Awakening Jerry Wu

The Trilogy of the Spiritual Journey: Healing, Awakening, and Healing (again)

A spiritual journey comprises three phases: healing, awakening, and healing. Let’s break down what it entails.

Contrary to popular belief, love, compassion, purpose of life, and happiness have nothing to do with awakening—they are dualistic attributes of this world. However, these attributes are part of the human experience and bring us joy and fulfillment.

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Meditation, Healing Jerry Wu Meditation, Healing Jerry Wu

Benefits of Meditation: Tranquility, Awareness, and Diving in the Sea of Unconsciousness

As your senses become more sensitive, your awareness starts to expand, allowing you to notice things that you haven’t noticed before.

Meditation alters the brain's mechanics by escaping its loopy circuitry. It changes your perception by loosening old thinking patterns. Thus, you can perceive things in their true nature without coloring.

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Meditation Jerry Wu Meditation Jerry Wu

Mindfulness Meditation: The Limitations

The benefits of mindfulness are vast, yet if we don’t resolve the root causes of the troubling thoughts and emotions, then it's like a boat with a leaky bottom: mindfulness is patching the holes and scooping out the water to keep the boat afloat and maintain a "peaceful" mind. Once out of the meditative state, the water starts to leak in again, turning mindfulness into an unavoidable chore.

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Healing Jerry Wu Healing Jerry Wu

How to Stop a Nagging Mind

The nagging voice has turned into an apparition dwelling inside your head. You're fighting a delusion. We leverage various healing tools to recondition and deprogram the persistent nagging voice.

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